圣路易斯大学(Saint Louis University,缩写SLU)位于美国中部密苏里州最大的城市圣路易斯市。该大学成立于1818年,是二十八所由耶稣会成员创立的天主教会学校之一,也是美国密西西比河西岸第一所综合性大学(注:密苏里大学为密西西比河西岸第一所州立大学,成立时间较圣路易斯大学晚)。
学生实习公司:波音、安永、普华永道、德勤、美国电话电报公司等。,圣路易斯大学(美国圣路易斯大学,Saint Louis University,简称SLU)设有多个一流研究中心,如地震研究中心、国家航空安全中心、可持续发展中心等。,关注学生感受,为中国学生特别安排辅导员。
美国密苏里州圣路易斯 - 在城市的艺术区,从密西西比河滨河拱门只需要5分钟。第二个校区坐落在西班牙的马德里。
圣路易斯大学的Saint Louis University附属13个学院包括:生命科学院(Doisy college of Health Sciences)、文理学院(College of Arts and Sciences)、商学院(John Cook College of Business)、法学院(School of Law)、公共服务学院(College of Public Service)、医学院(School of Medicine)、护理学院(School of Nursing)、工业工程学院(Parks College of Engineering, Aviation, and Technology)、史哲学院(College of Philosophy and Letters)、推广教育学院(School for Professional Studies)、公共卫生学院(School of Public Health)、以及公共健康与社会公正学院(School of Public Health and Social Justice)。
1、Academics that feature small classes, dEDicatED professors, challenging curriculum, and direct-entry professional programs
2、The SLU Community-whether you're in the dorms, in class, at 9 p.m. mass, or just hanging around campus, there are always friendly faces around!
3、The Jesuit mission encourages students to be
4、The campus: We've got green space, fountains, statues, and flowers galore.
5、Student life is vibrant on campus thanks to more than 150 student organizations. SLU students will tell you they are never borED on campus.
6、The location in Midtown St. Louis means easy access to all the city has to offer.
7、The Simon Recreation Center was renovatED in 2008 and offers students fitness equipment, an indoor track, racquetball courts, a squash court, basketball courts, indoor and outdoor pools, saunas, a whirlpool, sand volleyball, and fitness and dance classes.
1、Signing up for on-campus housing
2、Expensive on-campus dining
3、Sketchy areas off campus at night
4、Expensive parking and parking tickets
5、Textbook costs
6、Strict rules for on-campus housing