圣约翰大学(St. John's University,缩写SJU)是一所中等大小的私立综合性全国大学,成立于1870年,位于美国纽约市的皇后区,提供本科、硕士、博士、副学士和文凭课程五种学位类型。
圣·约翰大学成立于1870,是由罗马天主教会的文森特( Vincentian Fathers)响应布鲁克林的第一个主教约翰洛夫林(John Loughlin)的邀请而建的。其建立目的是为城市的贫困青年提供智力和道德教育。
学校有以下几栋宿舍楼: DaSilva Hall Donovan Hall Hollis Hall St. Vincent Hall 我们学校的宿舍楼配有无线网接入、有线电视以及宽阔的空间,能够为学生提供各种活动以及交友机会,并且临近教室、图书馆以及其他研究设施。 套房式住宿选择: •配有卧室、公共生活区、浴室。 •仅限新生使用 •配有1名宿舍管理员(住在1层)和11名宿舍管理助理(住在3层)。 •男女分层居住。 宿舍环境: •所有的休息室配有无线网接入。 •配有厨房。 •配有游戏室。 •配有电视休息室。
圣约翰大学本部在纽约市皇后区牙买加地段,占地97英亩,包括各个系所办公室和学校主要行政单位大厦,譬如St. Albert the Great Hall是药剂系所办公室、教室和实验室所在;St. Augustine Hall是图书总馆;Alumni Hall内有标准游泳池、室内篮球正式比赛和练习场地和一座小型剧场;St. John‘s the Baptist Hall是文理研究所所在;St. Louise De Marillac Hall是行政大楼,包括学生就业咨询和辅导中心、学生活动办公室都设在此;Perboyre Hall是全校行政管理和决策单位集中办公所在;Bent Hall主要由商业行政研究所使用等。
1、Cheering for the basketball and soccer teams is always fun.
2、A degree with the name St. John's on it is a heavy piece of paper. People rarely overlook an SJU diploma. The name can take you places.
3、Different backgrounds are incredibly valuable.
4、The food at the Law School is spectacular.
5、Living in New York puts you right at the forefront of so many events. It's a world center.
6、Manhattan is just a short trip away.
7、New York has a great system of transportation.
8、The school supports a large number of student organizations.
9、The students make the days unforgettable.
10、The professors are passionate about what they teach.
1、The computer labs are slow and sometimes packed.
2、The cost of room and board is high, and it keeps going up.
3、Finding a place to live off campus can be difficult and frustrating if you don't act extremely early.
4、The hours of operations for the library
5、On-campus housing doesn't offer enough places for students.
6、Parking in Queens can be one awful mess.
7、Public Safety is at times too lax, at times too strict.
8、Sometimes financial aid just isn't there for those who need it.
9、Tuition is high, and it keeps going up.
10、General education requirements are unnecessary.